Chuanting Zhang 张传亭

Associate Professor (Tenure-Track)
Shandong University
Office: Room 215, Research Building, 1500 Shunhua Rd., Jinan, 250101
Email: chuanting.zhang at {,}


I am a tenure-track associate professor at the School of Software, Shandong University. Prior to this position, I was a Senior Research Associate at the University of Bristol and worked with Prof. Mark A. Beach. Besides, I also was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), working with Prof. Mohamed-Slim Alouini and Prof. Basem Shihada. I received my Ph.D. degree in communication and information systems from Shandong University, Jinan, China, in 2019, under the supervision of Prof. Minggao Zhang and Prof. Haixia Zhang.

My primary research interest is using big data to make our city and world brighter. I now focus on spatial-temporal data analysis, federated learning and its applications in communication networks.

My [Google Scholar] & [GitHub].





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